Exploring relationships between food and the senses. Although food is often connected to pressing issue of hunger and injustice, it can and should also be connected to a range of pleasures, senses of connection to groups, places and social history. Food taste is complicatedly linked to memory, olfaction, visuality and the tactile. All this means that food can be explored in evocative ways not only through language, but also through, for example, installations, visual art, dance, mime, demonstrations and performance.

We invite other contributions, especially those that transcend or trouble conventional academic presentations, as stand-alone events within this exploratory and trans-disciplinary day of exploring food and its embodied, social, cultural and aesthetic meanings.

Examples include:
  • Visual art
  • Short performance works (maximum of 20 minutes)
  • Installations combining various visual and other texts
  • Innovative demonstrations of cooking (with the focus being on linking food to social history and/or feeling)
  • Engaging talks or panel discussions
  • Engaging displays that highlight connections between food, taste and feeling
Examples Include:
  • Visual art
  • Short performance works (maximum of 20 minutes)
  • Installations combining various visual and other texts
  • Innovative demonstrations of cooking (with the focus being on linking food to social history and/or feeling)
  • Engaging talks or panel discussions
  • Engaging displays that highlight connections between food, taste and feeling

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