The website seeks to build a community of readers and contributors of writing artwork, poetry and photography who are interested in critical food studies from transdisciplinary perspectives. It provides an archive of critical work for established and emerging scholars, and also expands on existing archives of knowledge-making by opening up a platform for visual and creative work as distinct forms of “knowledge making”, and not merely as adjuncts to or illustrations.

A hub for new conversations about transdisciplinary humanities approaches with regard to food.
Aiming for range, variety and difference and to cut across the usual divisions of genres.


These articles are based on new research and contain careful analysis and argument with reference to other work in the field.

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Research Publications

Research publication of graduate students (Honors, MA, or PhD) theses. Students are likely to gain a wider reading audience, the chance to contribute to a research community, and offer support to other theses writers by their work on this site. Original place of publication and the university issuing the award of the degree is acknowledged.

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Essays and Opinions

Essays and opinions are adaptable formats for writers to write on a wide range of subjects which includes personal reflections, and are provocative and critical.

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Creative Hub

Report-backs on meetings, conferences workshops etc. Assessments of key events or processes. Lectures, seminar or conference papers or public talks related to food studies. Reviews of articles, books, films, exhibitions and art events. “In conversation”: Interviews, as well as debate and argument among two or more. Creative and artistic expressions both fictional and non-fictional related to food studies.

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